Friday, November 10, 2006

Difference between Simonis 860 and 760

Simonis is the premier worsted billiard cloth on the market today and is used in most major professional billiard tournaments. Simonis offers 3 styles of cloth here in the U.S. - Simonis 860, Simonis 760 and Simonis 300. We will discuss Simonis 300 another time. Simonis offers other styles which pertain mostly to use in Europe and are available here in the states by special order.

Simonis 760 is the original style of billiard cloth by this manufacturer and has a blend of 70% wool and 30% nylon where Simonis 860 is 90% wool and 10% nylon. The higher percentage of nylon in the 760 style allows for more ball speed so in descriptive terms we can say that the 760 style is slightly faster then 860. In terms of durability, one should get longer life from the 860 style due to the higher percentage of wool in the cloth blend.

On the professional level the sport of billiards now centers around the game of 9 Ball which requires more control of the cue ball on each shot while still allowing the extra speed when needed to move the cue ball around the table for position. This is one of the reasons that Simonis developed the 860 blend and shows that Simonis works with the billiards industry to produce products that satisfy user needs.
A highlight of this aspect was the recent introduction of the new 860 color - Tournament Blue - which was developed by Simonis with much input from today's professional players.

You can learn more about Simonis by visiting the Simonis Website or to make a purchase of any Simonis product with free shipping and fast service visit The Pool Table Felt Pro's